Mask drop-off at Yolanda's;
89 Kent Place, Summit, NJ 07901
Mask drop-off at Yolanda's;
89 Kent Place, Summit, NJ 07901
Meeting cancellations due to inclement weather or an emergency will be posted on the website by 3:00 pm on the day of the meeting.
Please share the information with friends who do not have access to the website.
Meeting cancellations due to inclement weather or an emergency will be posted on the website by 3:00 pm on the day of the meeting.
Please share the information with friends who do not have access to the website.
Meeting cancellations due to inclement weather or an emergency will be posted on the website by 3:00 pm on the day of the meeting.
Please share the information with friends who do not have access to the website.
Meeting cancellations due to inclement weather or an emergency will be posted on the website by 3:00 pm on the day of the meeting.
Please share the information with friends who do not have access to the website.

Key Information for our Featured Speaker Workshops
The workshop fees & payment options are:
is $65 for members and Non-members pay $70 except as noted.
If paying by mail, checks should be sent to the guild at
Garden State Quilters
P.O. Box 424
Chatham NJ 07928
To register and more information on registration form.
Credit Card payment and registration
are available under the EVENT page
September 9, 2024
Starting the New Year
Welcome Back Meeting & Super Show & Tell
October 14, 2024 Susan Deshensky Lecture
Workshop October 15 - Desert Sun
Paper Piecing the Judy Niemeyer Way
10:00 am - 3:30 pm
at Sew Jersey quilt store in East Hanover, NJ
Supply list will be emailed to participants

November 11, 2024 Andrew Wiginton Lecture
November 12 Workshop
Enlightened Crumb Quilting
9:00 am - 3:30 pm
at Grace Episcopal Church, Madison, NJ
​​Crumb” quilting or “crumbing” is a technique that transforms even the tiniest fabric remnants into a work of art. In this hands-on, interactive workshop you’ll learn the basics of piecing together an array of fabric scraps to craft unique, textured quilt blocks that help you convey feelings and tell stories.​
Supply List: sewing machine, gallon size bag of fabric straps, rotary cutter
Bring a snack or lunch.

January 13, 2025
January Anniversary Fundraiser

Join us for an evening of fun as we celebrate one more year of creating together!
February 12, 2025
Super Show & Tell and Members Teaching Members
March 10, 2025 Karen Fricke Stitch a Sketch Lecture
Karen Fricke Quilts
Workshop Thread Sketching on a Photograph
Workshop March 17th 4:00 - 7:00 pm
at Sew Jersey quilt store in East Hanover, NJ
Cash/Check $35
mail check to guild's PO Box
Credit Card $40
Click here for link to Event page for payment

April 14th Mel Beach Let's Get Rolling on Your Creativity Goals Lecture
Mel Beach Quilts
Mel will be speaking at the April meeting held at Grace Episcopal Church using Zoom.
Workshops will be joined from home using Zoom. We will not be meeting at a venue.
2-Part Zoom Intriguing Interleaving Workshop
April 19th 11:00am - 3:00pm
Zoom Recap Final Details and Show & Tell
April 23rd 7:00- 9:00 pm

May 12, 2025
General meeting begins at 7:15 p.m.
Members will present their Challenge Projects
June 12, 2025
Strawberry Supper
End of Year Celebration

Workshops on Zoom can be experienced together at home or together at our physical meeting venue, Grace Episcopal Church.
Email cmannconso@yahoo.com if you have questions or need further information.
For a list of past speakers, click here.